The Alibi Tent
Somewhere between the Mundane and the Mysterious. ALIBI - Origin: late 17th century (as an adverb in the sense 'elsewhere'): from Latin, 'elsewhere'. The noun use dates from the late 18th century. Elsewhere is where I live and where I travel. Through the gloom and between the moments, I visit places, people and, occasionally, things. I listen to their dreams, their desires and I keep their secrets. And, yes...sometimes I am their excuse. Somewhere between the Mundane and the Mysterious,...the Privileged and the Primitive,..the Divine and the Damned...The Alibi Tent
The Alibi Tent
The Blood Vein Man
Babiole Boîte
Season 3
Episode 17
It's Spooky Season and Babiole is sharing with you a personal creepy story of one of her close relatives.
In all of her travels, clients and consultations, she has never heard of an entity like this...have you?
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