The Alibi Tent
The Alibi Tent
The "Funny" Topic of Protection
Babiole shares a personal story about being a young witch and the powers of protection.
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Uh, uh,
Speaker 2:Origin late 17th century as an adverb in the sense of elsewhere from Latin elsewhere. The now new States to the late 18th century elsewhere is where I live and where I traveled through the gloom and between the moments I visit places, people, and occasionally things. I listened to their dreams, their desires, and I keep their secrets. And yes, sometimes I am their excuse. Hello, and welcome to you on this new moon, Sunday, new moon in Pisces, the dream, the sign, creative sign, dealing with emotions. It's also the last day of Duke Barbados. What would I say as an interesting demon, he's considered to be one of the virtuous demons and he's commonly invoked when one needs to stop attacks on their person by another magician. He's also invoked if you're trying to communicate with your familiar, but he's known to pacify attacks. Not only does he calm things down, but he is also invoked by magicians. When they find themselves the focus of negative intentions or energy being directed at them by another magician or by another, which the subject of protection seems to be a bit of a funny topic amongst witches and magic users. Possibly. It's just funny to me, but when I have looked on Instagram or Twitter even, or anywhere on the internet at magic users profiles, which has profiles, and I look at their posts, they seem to me to be very reactionary when it comes to the subject of protection. And what I mean by this is they don't seem to incorporate a daily approach to protection. And I find it puzzling. It is possible. I suppose that when I look at their posts, possibly there's a breakdown in communication. Their posts seem very one of very topic on task and singular task focused. They seem to be, they seem to be insinuating protection as a reactionary measure, instead of something that should be incorporated into your daily practice. People lock their doors. People have car alarms, they have nests and Alexis smart homes, not all of this tech that is available is solely focused around protection. In fact, there's some people that believe that it makes you more vulnerable and that's an argument for another place. But protection is spoken about in all of these, your phone, your internet, your accounts, two factor authorization, all of these are protective measures, but in the world of magic, it seems to be not something that you should be working on constantly, but a reactionary measure. So in honor, of the Tuk and other magic users that may be listening, going to relate a story about an incident that happened to me in my personal life when I was a much younger, which I find myself in a relationship with a boy, he was very much a believer in gods and monsters. This is something that I found out about him slowly over time, but I didn't put much store into it due to our age, our location, our associates, people that we hung out with, it seemed to be more of a social lubrication than an actual personal interest. I was mistaken of course, something that I found out in a very painful way, but that's a story for another time. But this boyfriend was very bad at asking for the things that he felt were most important or that he most needed. And it came to pass that I moved States away from the state in which we met the relationship continued. And then just a little while after I had moved, he to both from the state in which we met to another state, we were separated by quite a distance. Another place that I had moved to was a place called Sedona, Arizona, which some listeners may be familiar with and some may have actually visited, but I can tell you at the time that I lived there very, very small population and the residents were of a different quality than what they are today. It was very much the wild West and most of the residents found themselves in Sedona, not exactly by choice, but definitely out of necessity of having a place where not many people came looking for you because not many people came there, many stories I could tell about that place and those people and the experiences that I had there. But I digress in reaction to a situation that happened. My boyfriend asked me if I would send to him an item of mine, a personal item, something that he could carry with him or wear on him that wouldn't draw attention. Something that was small. And what he was asking for was a talisman of sorts. I wore it[inaudible] at the time. I did not share a talismans. And this was something that I explained to him again, even though he did know what I believed and what I wore. And after many times of him asking and me trying desperately to figure out a way to give him what it was that he wanted, but maintaining my beliefs and my practices. We talked and came up with a plan where I would buy an article of jewelry and wear it for a time without putting any of my energy that I would put into a talisman. I would just have it on me for awhile and then send it to him. And this is what I did not believing at all, that it was going to be effective and the manner in which he thought it would be. But I hoped that it might help him on a psychological level because it really was something that I wore really was something that I bought. And I wore on my person and had on my person. So I wore the item and package it up, let him know when it was going to be coming to him. And he was very excited to receive it. I was not as excited, but when he did receive it, his reaction was not one that I could have anticipated. And it worried me because I thought that him putting the faith into it when I did not do the things that I would normally do for a talisman until one phone call happened. And he started inquiring about the necklace to get wanting to know about the metals and in Sedona, there were native silver Smiths that would come from the Northern part of Sedona. And I happened to work in a shop where the native artisans came in and why of explaining my limitations at dealing with the native artisans, in my understanding, and in my association with some native acquaintances in recent years, I believe doubt a kind of questionnaire so that when it came time for me to sell, which happened to be a quartz crystal point with a silver top to it, to attach it to the, before I did not put any particular protective energy, nor did I do any rituals or anything to imbue this necklace and pendant with any kind of particular energy. I just wore it and kept it close. However I did on the daily and multiple times daily do things to maintain protection for myself. This is a practice that I had had from birth and not thinking that my daily practice to recharge and keep the talismans that I, I kept on me and my personal space, my area. I didn't think that that would energize the necklace that I had sent to him in any particular way, because I had not put effort into it, but my practice was energy enough. My daily practice was energy enough. I did not know that he was going to be conducting MythBusters type tests on my gift to him that he had requested. And I was not very happy about that, but I did learn something about myself, my energy, the power of my intentions. And that is something that has helped me from that point on. And it's something that I take very, I take very seriously. I found myself alone when I looked out word for friends or mentors or just teachers. I didn't find people that had daily practices like I did. I just found the reactionary energy push instead of a daily practice. So on this new moon of Barbara Barbados, if you find yourself needing protection, if you feel a presence, that's not your own as possibly negative, or you have been feeling it for awhile, you feel that you are the focus or the target of attention. Negative attention to Barbados is your man. But I urge you to try to develop not just a reactionary Spellman, casting practice, but strive to put protections then in your daily routines, the same way you would do with bathing and personal hygiene and locking your doors, making sure that your car alarm is working any of these things with that same intention and put that same focus and practice into your daily protection so that you can start a healthy routine and a healthy ritual for protection. And I believe that you will find that you don't need to do so many reactionary last minute as needed protection spells. These spells can be very powerful depending on your level of experience, your level of knowledge and skill and personal abilities, but daily practice that is the most effective Somewhere between the mundane and the mysterious, the privileged and the primitive, the divine
Speaker 1:[inaudible].